
Within the United Kingdom & Ireland:

We offer two shipping methods: UPS Parcel Shipping (£9.50) and Global Shipping (from £2.70).

Our Global Shipping method is specifically for individual small, lightweight products. Parcels sent with Global Shipping are not insured and you will not receive a tracking number if you select this shipping method. See the table below for more information.

The exact shipping amount will be displayed at the end of the order.


Note: Customers will be responsible for paying any return shipping cost fees.

Please contact us at for information about returning your item.



UPS Parcel Shipping prices:

EU £5.31
Germany £3.51
UK £9.50
Poland £2.91



Global Shipping prices:

100 g £2.70
200 g £3.15
300 g £3.51
400 g £4.05
500 g £4.50
600 g £5.31
700 g £5.85
800 g £6.21
900 g £6.75
1000 g £7.11






 UPS Delivery Times


Important Notice: For deliveries to non-European or non-EU countries, additional country-specific import duties, customs clearance fees, customs clearance service fees, and, if applicable, import sales taxes may apply. The amount of the fees depends on the country of delivery. Please ask for these fees at your local customs office. These fees will not be borne by Gusti Leather. Delivery is carried out exclusively by shipment. The collection of any ordered goods is not possible.

For more information please contact us at:

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